
Shower Head Water Filter - Discover the Health Benefits of Installing a Shower Head Water Filter

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Click Here for Shower Head Water Filter - Discover the Health Benefits of Installing a Shower Head Water FilterIonic Shower -The Ionic Power Filter combines unparalleled High-Tech Wellness with premium Water Efficiency and Eco-Friendliness

Many people who filter their drinking and cooking water don't think to worry about a shower head water filter. Not only will filtering your shower water make your skin and hair soft and healthy looking, you will actually be protecting your health too.

If your water is chlorinated, it is important to remove the chlorine - not only for the terrible smell, but because long-term exposure to chlorine causes cancer. But chlorine is not your only problem. Heavy metals like lead, copper and mercury may be in your water.

While these will not reduce into steam, so you won't be harmed by inhaling them, they will make your hair discolored and dry, and lead can be absorbed into the skin. Lead is very dangerous for anyone, but children are even more susceptible to its effects than adults.

If you live in an older home, you may have lead pipes which will get into your water. Even if your home is newer, the city water mains may still have lead in them. The only way to be sure if your water contains lead or not is to have it tested.

Many shower head water filters are not capable of filtering out metals. When shopping for one, look for one that includes an ion exchange in addition to the carbon block and sub micron filter. When the ion exchange removes the metals it "softens" the water as well as making it healthier, so your skin and hair will feel much softer.

You will also want a shower head water filter that can remove all of the harmful carcinogenic chemicals in the water. Inhaling the steam of unfiltered water is just as dangerous as drinking it. And those chemicals can soak into your skin as well.

Only a multi-stage shower head water filter with an ion exchange for the metals, a sub micron filter and a carbon filter for the chemicals and toxins.

Aaron Reese is a dedicated researcher of critical issues that affect water and health. Visit his water purification website now at [] to learn more about the shower head water filtration systems that he recommends after extensive research.

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